Create & Distribute Voucher Codes

Email Codes - Adding unique codes to email templates

Code API - Request codes to issue to consumers

How to create and download a CSV batch of unique codes

How create unique codes for emails

How to create a ‘click to reveal’ button

How to create embeddable codes

HTML Button - issuing unique codes on web pages

Offers API - Finding out about promotions

Merchant integration

JavaScript Integration Guide

API: Code Query API

API: Code Validation

API: Code Redemption

API Overview


Create A CSV File In UTF-8 Format

User Redemption Query

Code Redemption Callback

Platform & Service Features

Reporting & Promotional Insights

Upload Your Own Personalised Codes

Create and edit a promotion

Vanity Codes

User Roles & Permissions Management

Mystery Discount


Uniqodo Query Language (UQL) & Error Messaging

Content Gates

Reporting & Promotional Insights

The Promotion List page displays real-time campaign performance data to give you a top level insight into a campaign’s code usage performance.

On-screen reporting dashboard

Comparing campaign performance is quick and easy, with key data for each promotion presented on one page. You can see the revenue and total discount for each promotion, as well as the code issuance, validation and redemption stats. This reporting functionality gives you insights based on real-time campaign performance data.

See the section boxed in green for example:

Filter campaigns in your promotional dashboard

The filtering tool allows you to quickly view past, present and future campaigns. In addition to this, you can filter by promotion creator to easily locate a promotion within the dashboard.

Filtering options are outlined below:

Download data from any time period

Overall campaign performance data can also be downloaded from the Uniqodo platform in CSV format. Simply choose the desired timeframe and select the data type - voucher code claims, validations or redemptions.

Promotional Performance Tool

For a more granular insight into your campaign performance for each offer in the interface, you can navigate to the Promotion Performance tool in the right-hand side ‘burger menu’ on the Promotion List page. 

Here you can view your performance statistics for an offer simply by selecting the desired date range, segmentation e.g hourly and the data metrics you’d like to view. The graph on this page will then dynamically adapt to present your data selection accordingly. 

In addition to the above, you can download a CSV file of your selected report simply via clicking the Download CSV tab in the top right-hand corner of this page.

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