Create & Distribute Voucher Codes

Email Codes - Adding unique codes to email templates

Code API - Request codes to issue to consumers

How to create and download a CSV batch of unique codes

How create unique codes for emails

How to create a ‘click to reveal’ button

How to create embeddable codes

HTML Button - issuing unique codes on web pages

Offers API - Finding out about promotions

Merchant integration

JavaScript Integration Guide

API: Code Query API

API: Code Validation

API: Code Redemption

API Overview


Create A CSV File In UTF-8 Format

User Redemption Query

Code Redemption Callback

Platform & Service Features

Reporting & Promotional Insights

Upload Your Own Personalised Codes

Create and edit a promotion

Vanity Codes

User Roles & Permissions Management

Mystery Discount


Uniqodo Query Language (UQL) & Error Messaging

Content Gates

Upload Your Own Personalised Codes

Personalised codes are extremely handy if you want to ensure your staff or customers have unique and memorable codes. The feature will enable you to make your codes out of personal, familiar pieces of information - telephone numbers,  staff IDs, birthdays or whatever else. The point is, the code will be personalised with characters of someone's choice. This way, customers or staff are able to enter something unique AND familiar to access a discount.

To start using this feature: 

  1. Add a new promotion on page
  2. Upload your Personalised Codes as a csv. file. 
  3. Distribute the codes as usual but, this time, personalised. If you’re using something like staff IDs, you don’t even need to distribute the codes. Just tell your staff to use their ID at checkout!

Why not spice things up and combine this feature with a mystery offer.  Send out an email that says: “What’s your 'customer number' worth this month?”, prompting customers to make their way through to the checkout to find out.

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