Create & Distribute Voucher Codes

Email Codes - Adding unique codes to email templates

Code API - Request codes to issue to consumers

How to create and download a CSV batch of unique codes

How create unique codes for emails

How to create a ‘click to reveal’ button

How to create embeddable codes

HTML Button - issuing unique codes on web pages

Offers API - Finding out about promotions

Merchant integration

JavaScript Integration Guide

API: Code Query API

API: Code Validation

API: Code Redemption

API Overview


Create A CSV File In UTF-8 Format

User Redemption Query

Code Redemption Callback

Platform & Service Features

Reporting & Promotional Insights

Upload Your Own Personalised Codes

Create and edit a promotion

Vanity Codes

User Roles & Permissions Management

Mystery Discount


Uniqodo Query Language (UQL) & Error Messaging

Content Gates

Mystery Discount

Mystery discounts work via an algorithm that allows to you to offer a range of discount levels while maintaining an overall, average discount value. Customers only discover the value of their discount when they enter their code at the checkout.

Why use the Mystery Discount functionality for a promotion?

- Create buzz and awareness

- Engage new and existing customers

- Increase click-through rates and traffic

- Increase conversion rates and sales

How to set up a mystery discount promotion

  1. Ask your Uniqodo contact about using the mystery discount feature
  2. Choose the average discount value you want to achieve for the promotion
  3. Uniqodo’s algorithm will recommend an appropriate range of discount values for the promotion
  4. Set up the necessary discount levels in your eCommerce platform
  5. Uniqodo’s algorithm ensures your target campaign average is met based on how the promotion is trading.

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