Create & Distribute Voucher Codes

Email Codes - Adding unique codes to email templates

Code API - Request codes to issue to consumers

How to create and download a CSV batch of unique codes

How create unique codes for emails

How to create a ‘click to reveal’ button

How to create embeddable codes

HTML Button - issuing unique codes on web pages

Offers API - Finding out about promotions

Merchant integration

JavaScript Integration Guide

API: Code Query API

API: Code Validation

API: Code Redemption

API Overview


Create A CSV File In UTF-8 Format

User Redemption Query

Code Redemption Callback

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API Overview

Updated by Chris Giddins


Uniqodo’s APIs enable merchants to validate, redeem and check voucher codes issued via Uniqodo. This may be through code distributors on their website, mobile application or in-store point of sale systems. 

Various pieces of information are needed to guide the functionality of the APIs - this guide explains what values are required and the response received when making each type of API call.

There are three APIs in total and these can be applied in conjunction. Each is described in the table below:




The Validation API is used to validate a code - i.e. to determine whether or not it is usable - and to receive a response that allows the merchant to know which offer to apply to the purchase.


The Redemption API is used to track a successful order through Uniqodo and to allow an issued code to be expired after it has been redeemed or used.

• It is only necessary to call this API when a discount code was used on the transaction
• The API should only be queried with the voucher code provided by the shopper, not the merchant recognised trigger code
• The API should only be called when a transaction is confirmed, which would mean the issued code needs to be redeemed and expired - typically when the customer arrives at the order confirmation page
• It is important to make sure that the call is made to the API to redeem a code, if this does not occur then the code will still be valid and usable. 

Code Query

The Code Query API can be used to perform a lookup on a given coupon code and retrieve the associated promotion details and code validity information. Any redemptions that have taken place with that code will also be returned in the response.

Important Considerations when using the APIs

Storing Validated Codes for Redemption

When a call is made to validate a code, the code must be stored so that it can be redeemed later using the Redemption API.  Once the voucher code has been validated, it should be stored for as long as there are items in the basket and the purchase remains possible.  This may necessitate storing the voucher code across sessions.

Validation Lock

By default, the validation API allows a voucher code to be repeatedly validated until a redemption occurs against the code.  If multiple shoppers have the same single-use code and attempt to use it simultaneously, it is possible for more than one shopper to validate the same code - until one of the shoppers completes a purchase. This could mean multiple shoppers having the same code applied to their purchase. To prevent this scenario, a validation lock period can be set for the merchant that prevents a repeat validation of a code within a specified time period.  The validation lock period is set in minutes and can be changed by Uniqodo staff upon request. 

Auto-filling Codes

When Uniqodo issues voucher codes to distributors, it provides the URL that the merchant provided to set up the code offer. This URL is then used by the distributor to redirect shoppers through to the merchant's website.  Uniqodo automatically appends to the URL, a parameter containing the voucher code issued to the shopper.  This can be stored by merchants so that the value in the code entry field is autofilled, which allows shoppers on touch screen mobile devices to use codes on merchants' websites more readily. 

The URL follows the format below, with the “uqd” parameter in the query string containing the voucher code value (see what follows the '=' sign)

Promotion Security

Uniqodo never makes a trigger code public but to provide an additional layer of security, trigger codes are prevented from being redeemable through the code entry field on your website. For example - if a '£100 off' promotion is created with the trigger code “100OFF” and 20 unique codes are made available for promotion, only the unique codes issued by Uniqodo would be able to trigger the offer; entering "100OFF” would not work. 

Email Addresses and Data Protection

Uniqodo can issue voucher codes to shoppers and capture their email address simultaneously.  This is useful for email marketing campaigns in which a voucher code is issued to a shopper and linked to their email address.  In such campaigns, Uniqodo is able to ensure that voucher codes are only validated and redeemed alongside an email address.  

If you wish to offer email-address-secured voucher codes (secure codes), you will need to be able to pass the email address at the point a voucher code is validated using the 'Validation API'.  If the shopper has not logged in or entered their email address before attempting to validate the secure code, you may need to prompt the user to enter their email address or ask them to login (or create an account).

Uniqodo never stores email addresses in plain text format and always hash encrypts the address as soon as it is received.  The email address is then unreadable by Uniqodo.

For any help and support in integrating the API please email or call us on +44 (0) 203 286 1586.

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