Create & Distribute Voucher Codes

Email Codes - Adding unique codes to email templates

Code API - Request codes to issue to consumers

How to create and download a CSV batch of unique codes

How create unique codes for emails

How to create a ‘click to reveal’ button

How to create embeddable codes

HTML Button - issuing unique codes on web pages

Offers API - Finding out about promotions

Merchant integration

JavaScript Integration Guide

API: Code Query API

API: Code Validation

API: Code Redemption

API Overview


Create A CSV File In UTF-8 Format

User Redemption Query

Code Redemption Callback

Platform & Service Features

Reporting & Promotional Insights

Upload Your Own Personalised Codes

Create and edit a promotion

Vanity Codes

User Roles & Permissions Management

Mystery Discount


Uniqodo Query Language (UQL) & Error Messaging

Content Gates

How to create embeddable codes

The 'Embeddable Code' functionality allows you to surface unique codes on any web page. To add this functionality to one or more web pages, follow the instructions below:

1) Access your merchant dashboard at:, and click “Add new promotion”. Then fill in the main settings and details of your promotion (Step 1).

2) Select the Embeddable Code distribution method (Step 2) and populate the bottom field with your email address to receive instructions on how to use the embeddable code HTML element having completed the promotion setup for this offer.

Note: as the promotion creator, you should automatically be sent the embeddable HTML snippet without inputting your own email address here.

3) Select the offer reward type (Step 3) and set the discount value/type for this offer within this step.

4) Set the Code Issuance Settings for this offer (Step 4). Here you can apply the Vanity Code feature to append/prepend the unique codes from this offer with any characters of your choice e.g HELLOJ7SG4TBS. 

Also, if you’d like a unique code to expire within for example 4 hours after being served via the embeddable snippet, you can set the custom unique code expiry to 4 hours.

5) (Step 5 - if applicable for the offer) You can set custom validation rules with error messaging to determine the eligibility of a unique code based on any basket level requirements e.g £100 minimum spend value. 

6) (Step 6) Set any unique code redemption limits which you’d like to be applied to this offer (leave these fields blank to make these codes single-use and to set no limit on the overall redemption count for this offer).

7) Click ‘Next’ to review your promotion details , and create the promotion once you’re satisfied with the setup.

8) Copy and paste the embeddable  HTML element - which can be found either in the confirmation email or from the Distribution Settings (Step 2)  - into the HTML content of the relevant webpage(s) where the unique codes will be issued.

9) You have now set up your webpage with the capability to issue unique codes.

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